Intergalactic (Beastie Boys)
The Beasties go cannibal...
"If you try to knock me you'll get mocked
I'll stir fry you in my wok"
GirlBoy (Magic Dirt)
Lunchtime snack rules the world!...
"Makes me feel cool when I'm in control
Of the power you dish out like a salad roll"
(this line is preceded by “Makes me feel cool when I say your name, Especially now when I masturbate”)
On The Radio (Regina Spektor)
She rhymes Bees! With Knees! Original!...
"A million ancient bees
Began to sting our knees
While we were on our knees
Praying that disease
Would leave the ones we love
And never come again"
There are, of course, many, many others. Serial offenders include the likes of Gwen Stefani, Shakira et al. This may just become a regular series. If, indeed, this becomes a regular blog.

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