Every now and then there comes along an article in the Serious Paper that makes me laugh out loud.
Today it was this little gem from the Queensland Premier, suggesting the bananabenders shower together in order to conserve water. Ingenious idea! In fact I think we should make it law. I know that there isn’t much that gets the Significant Other in the mood (nudge, wink etc) more than a nice soapy shower together. Really there's nothing better - get clean and get some ALL AT THE SAME TIME! A shower, yesterday.
Although I do feel slightly sorry for those Without Partner. Not only are their beds cold and lonely in these long winter nights, but they are doomed to feel the guilt of all those litres lost to showering alone. I look forward to hearing of the first marriages of (water-saving) convenience.
I’m a little concerned, however, that Premier Beattie seems to think that singing in harmony will also save water.
I think it's important that to conserve water people shower
together and they sing in harmony," Mr Beattie said.
While it may qualify me as a contestant in this year’s series of Australian Idol, I can’t hold a tune to save my life. I hope this doesn’t mean that I’m destined to be a water-wasting Wally forever. I don't think I can live with the guilt.