16 September 2005

Things That Suck, etc.

I have just returned from a week in Canberra. To celebrate my return from the Nation's Capithole I have devised a list of 'Things That Suck (Today)':

  • I am at work
  • My girlfriend is at the pub
  • She is using her mobile phone to send me photos of beer
    Sweet Sweet Beer
  • Soon we are will have to separate for six months
    Yo that's right! SIX MONTHS!

That is all. For now.

30 August 2005

Don't Drop The Soap

Every now and then there comes along an article in the Serious Paper that makes me laugh out loud.

Today it was this little gem from the Queensland Premier, suggesting the bananabenders shower together in order to conserve water. Ingenious idea! In fact I think we should make it law. I know that there isn’t much that gets the Significant Other in the mood (nudge, wink etc) more than a nice soapy shower together. Really there's nothing better - get clean and get some ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

IMAGE: Turn off the taps when you're getting busy, kids

A shower, yesterday.

Although I do feel slightly sorry for those Without Partner. Not only are their beds cold and lonely in these long winter nights, but they are doomed to feel the guilt of all those litres lost to showering alone. I look forward to hearing of the first marriages of (water-saving) convenience.

I’m a little concerned, however, that Premier Beattie seems to think that singing in harmony will also save water.

I think it's important that to conserve water people shower
together and they sing in harmony," Mr Beattie said.

While it may qualify me as a contestant in this year’s series of Australian Idol, I can’t hold a tune to save my life. I hope this doesn’t mean that I’m destined to be a water-wasting Wally forever. I don't think I can live with the guilt.

26 August 2005

One For The Diary.

IMAGE: Support Your Bowels!

Put November 9 in your diary. In pen.
IBS Day. A worthy cause.

17 August 2005

It's French For Yuck

I have just been at the stupermart. In my perusals of the yoghurt fridge I discovered several new flavours. Let me share some of them:

  • Banana Choc Split
  • Mocha Cream
  • 'Mad About Cheesecake'
  • Sweet Pink Grapefruit
  • Watermelon

Image: It's French for YUCK
You know, if I wanted to hurl I'd stick my fingers down my throat.

15 August 2005

Shazam! Gets a Clue: Blogging Etiquette (and a bunch of rhetorical questions)

I’m new to this blogging caper. Obviously. I’m not too hip to the customs of the culture. I’m no computer nerd.

“Really?!” I hear you shout.

Like many, I read blogs and have done for some time. There are even a few that I view religiously. And I’d like to link to them. I have even figured out how to do so. My mother would be proud.

But is there a Blogging Code of Conduct that I need to follow? Is there an Essential Online Tome that I have somehow missed? Do I just go right ahead and link to my idols or do I need to let them know? If I were to inform the blogging goodnesses out there that I choose to link to their masterpiece on my little ole’ blog would they really give a shit? Are you sick of my rhetorical questions just yet?

I wouldn’t want to come off like some sycophantic starstruck fan ie. “Love your work, hope you don’t mind that I’ve linked to you”. And why would they mind? Surely they’d be glad of the publicity. And there’s sure to be a heap of traffic coming their way from my site. Isn’t there?! Huh?

Even worse, I don’t want to come across as “I’ve linked to you, now it’s your turn to link to me”. I can’t think of anything worse. I’ll recommend sites that have consistently made me laugh or think about things in a different way. Laugh mainly. I like the funnies. I’m not about to ask these clever and funny folks to add my site to their links. Treś uncool. The sites I like generally have an air of editorial integrity, they are written by people who are not afraid of speaking their minds and I’d hate to think that they are easily swayed by some crappy contra deal. And it doesn't get much crappier.

So... I'm just gonna link to ‘em and shut up about it. And if there's a problem with that, please let me know.

Will you, dear reader(s), think I’m simple if I admit I needed to look up the spelling of ‘etiquette’?

08 August 2005

Free = Good. Usually.

I went to Wagamama on the weekend. I would not recommend it. As the Significant Other says, it’s McDonald’s with stainless steel.

I had previously avoided Wagamama not necessarily as a protest against Globalisation and World Domination by Chain Restaurants, but simply because I think we have such a diversity of wonderful Asian cuisine in Melbourne that it seems ridiculous to resort to a franchise for my ramen. However I was fortunate (?) enough to receive a free meal (including entrée and drinks!) courtesy of my cushy plush job where I get lots of free stuff. Not being one to turn down a free meal (including entrée and drinks!) I took the Significant Other along for a cheap date.

Neither of us were impressed. This was despite the free beer.

Free = Good.

Beer = Good.
Free + Beer = Wonderful.

We were informed by perky accented types that virtually no meals incorporating chicken were available, thus diminishing the menu by about half. Chicken would normally be my Protein of Choice at such an establishment, so on this occasion I went for a vegetarian option. It was flavourless and boring, even with my addition of lots of chilli powder & chilli oil (supplied on the table/bench. Also Free). The S.O. had a prawny affair resembling a laksa. It wasn’t up to scratch either although it did appear to have a decent amount of prawns garnishing the bowl. It was conveyor belt food and I don't mean the fun Sushi Train type.

Result: Avoid the multinational and visit your local Asian take away – the food will be more imaginative and flavoursome and you’ll get that nice warm feeling that stems from supporting your local economy.

Ps – I was ASStounded (yes, ASStounded) by the similarities between Wagamama and Chocolate Buddha. ASStounded. Same Same Not Much Different. Right down to the way Cute Waiters record orders on the paper table mats. Only real difference was the slightly more interesting atmosphere (trinkets on the walls, lighting, view etc) and lack of uniforms at C.B.

05 August 2005

Blogging 101

Good Blogging Advice

Fig 1: Blogging for Beginners

03 August 2005

Post Numero Uno

Being the first post, naturally this is a test...